When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, it was clear that it would impact all of our lives in important ways and we would have to drastically change the way we communicated with one another and did business. Would we fight back against the changes and wait for the "old normal" to return, or adopt new technologies and adapt to the new way of doing things? Though the Zoom video conferencing platform was already being used by individuals and businesses around the world, the pandemic made its use a necessity, and those who embraced it and mastered it thrived while those who resisted it would find themselves struggling to keep up.
When it comes to adapting to new circumstances, the question is, are you Zooming Ahead or being left behind?
Because of this extraordinary upgrade to your vision of what you can strive for and accomplish—totally different from your recent past—you now realize that your life before Zoom was all preparation for what’s next.
Meanwhile, there are other people who are filled with resentment that the old ways of doing things have been interrupted. They want to go back to the old “normal.” And they’re going to be left behind.
But you’re Zooming Ahead by recognizing that you can now achieve enormously bigger and better results than you ever could before with far less cost and effort and by taking advantage of this enormous opportunity for growth and change.
Because of this extraordinary upgrade to your vision of what you can strive for and accomplish—totally different from your recent past—you now realize that your life before Zoom was all preparation for what’s next.
Meanwhile, there are other people who are filled with resentment that the old ways of doing things have been interrupted. They want to go back to the old “normal.” And they’re going to be left behind.
But you’re Zooming Ahead by recognizing that you can now achieve enormously bigger and better results than you ever could before with far less cost and effort and by taking advantage of this enormous opportunity for growth and change.
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