Some fear that computer technology is on its way to surpassing and even replacing humans. But anyone who imagines you can replace people with computers doesn't understand what's uniquely great about human beings.
Learn what separates us from machines (we're not information processors — we're meaning makers) and how technology frees us up to do what only humans can do.
Every human being is unique in their experiences, in the meaning they’ve given to their experiences, and in the value they create. Each of us has something unique to contribute.
Computers are built to perform functions, and they never attribute meaning to their experiences. Computers have no consciousness, and consciousness isn’t understood nearly well enough yet in order for it to be created or programmed.
We can depend upon computers because computers don’t think—let alone think about their thinking, which is a great human capability. Humans are associative thinkers. Computers are processors.
Every human being is unique in their experiences, in the meaning they’ve given to their experiences, and in the value they create. Each of us has something unique to contribute.
Computers are built to perform functions, and they never attribute meaning to their experiences. Computers have no consciousness, and consciousness isn’t understood nearly well enough yet in order for it to be created or programmed.
We can depend upon computers because computers don’t think—let alone think about their thinking, which is a great human capability. Humans are associative thinkers. Computers are processors.
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